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Colroado Adventure Point
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Merit Badge Make-up Day 2025

Merit Badge Make-up Day 2025
Registration Begins
Last Day To Register
10455 W. 6th Avenue, Ste. 150
Lakewood, CO 80215, US
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The last date for registration has passed.

Have some merit badges left over that you need to finish up and get signed off?  Join us at the Donald E. Scott Colorado Adventure Point to wrap up some unfinished business.

Scouts must have started the merit badge prior to this day and are required to present their unfinished NCR from camp or and unfinished Blue Card. Please bring completed worksheets and other documentation of your work (partial blue cards from previous classes).

Lunch is not provided. If you expect your Scout to be in attendance over the course of the lunch hour, please provide a sack lunch and a beverage.

Cost for the day is $10 and can be used to complete up to 3 Merit Badges.

Please note: ONLY the following Merit Badges can definitely be worked on at this workshop: Archery, Citizenship in the Community, Nation or World, First Aid, Emergency Preparedness, Environmental Science, Family Life, Personal Fitness, or Personal Management.

If you have a MB you are hoping to complete that is not listed here please contact Lizzy.Dowd@scouting.org to see if we can accommodate you prior to signing up. This is meant to be a final sign off for a single Requirement within a Merit Badge, not a comprehensive program. This program DOES NOT guarantee completion but assurance our instructors will do their best to reach completion.

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$10.00 per Participant
Cancellation Policy
Please check your calendars and plan ahead accordingly as Colorado Adventure Point has a firm no refund policy.