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Citizenship in the World, Nation and Community Merit Badges 2024

Citizenship in the World, Nation and Community Merit Badges 2024
Registration Begins
Last Day To Register
10455 W. 6th Avenue, Ste. 150
Lakewood, CO 80215, US
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The last date for registration has passed.

This class is offering all three merit badges taught as a single two-day course, learning what it means to be a citizen of one's community, nation and world.

The course will focus on engaging, fun group work for an informative way of learning these Eagle Required merit badges.

Please note the following:

  • Lunch is not included. Scout must bring a sack lunch and a beverage.
  • Scout is required to attend both sessions to earn credit.
  • Please bring paper and pencil
  • Please bring a signed BSA Health Form at check in

This will be held at the Donald E. Scott Colorado Adventure Point. Colorado Adventure Point is located on the west side of Hamilton Scout Headquarters.

The following are out of class homework requirements. After finishing the homework for this class, turn in to CAPhomework@gmail.com. 

Citizenship in the Community
Requirements 3
a. Attend a meeting of your city, town, or county council or school board; or attend a municipal, country or state court session.
b. Choose one of the issues discussed at the meeting where a difference of opinions was expressed and explain to your counselor why you agree with one opinion more than you do another one.

Requirement 4

  • Choose an issue that is important to the citizens of your community, then do the following:
  • a. Find out which branch of local government is responsible for this issue.
  • b. With your counselor's and parent's approval, interview one person from the branch of government you identified in requirement 4a. Ask what is being done about this issue and how young people can help.
  • c. Share what you have learned with your counselor

Requirement 7
A. Identify three charitable organizations outside of Scouting that interest you and bring people in your community together to work for the good of your community.
B. Pick ONE of the organization you chose for requirement a.

  • 7a Using a variety of resources (including newspapers, fliers and other literature, the internet, volunteers, and employees of the organization), find out more about this organization.
  • 7c With your counselor's and your parent's approval, contact the organization you chose for requirement 7B above, and find out what young people can do to help. While working on this merit badge, volunteer at least eight hours of your time for the organization. After your volunteer experience is over, discuss what you have learned with your counselor



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$65.00 per Participant
Cancellation Policy
Merit badge classes book quickly and Colorado Adventure Point has a firm no refund policy. Check your calendars accordingly. Attending class on both days is required to earn the badges. If you miss the second day, the cost will not be prorated.